Planes, trains and automobiles are all ideal modes of transport for getting to us. Information on travel journey times and some useful links to help you with your journey planning are available below. You can also click here to download driving directions from our nearest town, Cognac, which include the sat nav reference and google maps link.
Getting to Le Moulin de Chazotte
Arriving by Plane
For those flying to France, the nearest airports and driving times to the mill are listed below:
La Rochelle (LRH) - 1 hr 20 mins
Bordeaux (BOD) - 1 hr 30 mins
Poitiers (PIS) - 1 hr 40 mins
Limoges (LIG) - 1hr 50 mins
Perigeux (PGX) - 2hr 10 mins
Bergerac (EGC) - 2 hr 30 mins
Useful Links:
Arriving by Boat
Coming by ferry, listed below are some suggested ports and driving distance from them:
St Malo - 4 hr 10 mins
Caen - 4 hr 30 mins
Le Havre - 5 hr 10 mins
Roscoff - 5 hr 20 mins
Cherbourg - 5 hr 30 mins
Calais - 7 hrs
Arriving by Train
Alternatively, you can come by train to any of the following stations:
Cognac - 10 mins
Angouleme - 1 hr
Poitiers - 1 hr 30 mins
Bordeaux - 1 hr 40 mins
Paris - 4 hr 45 mins
Driving in France
A car is highly recommended for your stay, see below for some car hire companies and useful information on driving in France:
- - plan your route and calculate toll costs
- - everything you need to know about driving in France